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Übersetzungen für aghast im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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aghast [əˈgɑ:st, Am -ˈgæst] ADJ

Beispielsätze für aghast

to be aghast at sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Although aghast, he realises he has no other choice and eventually agrees.
The partners of the bank were aghast at the prospect of such a marriage, as were many dignitaries.
I am aghast of the treatment of the borough employees it's inhumane.
Many of the newspaper critics who had caught wind of the preparations for this new production were aghast and were saying so.
The same article noted that he would likely be aghast to find himself on this list, since it reduces his self-styled radicalism to mere liberalism.
After winning the race, he was aghast to discover the fate of his colleagues.
As a young widow, she was aghast by the social inequalities inherent in her own neighborhood.
His father hears the noise and comes in, horrified and aghast.
As you would expect, aghast at what many viewed as a decision bordering on filicide.
She takes him under her wing and helps him repair his relationship with his wife, who had been aghast to discover his gambling habits.

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