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Übersetzungen für ambivalent im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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ambivalent [æmˈbɪvələnt] ADV

Beispielsätze für ambivalent

to be ambivalent about sth/sb

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

One can be ambivalent about the particular choice of symbol for the operation, and speak simply of "semilattices".
Noting that the source for the film was an autobiography, he went on to pan the producers as ambivalent toward the film's subject.
However, when it came to applying the system to particular problems, they conceived his system to be ambivalent.
It received generally mixed reviews from critics, who were ambivalent towards the composition.
Secure, avoidant and anxious ambivalent attachment make up the different styles of attachment theory.
Wavering political support for sustained growth and/or sustainable development continued for some years and reveals just how ambivalent attitudes were to the concept.
That is, as an attitude becomes more ambivalent, its strength decreases.
Administration spokespersons were ambivalent about the bill, when they mentioned it at all.
Her other initial encounters left her ambivalent about the religion.
They set up a peculiar and ambivalent relation between artist and client...

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