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Übersetzungen für bucketful im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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bucketful <-s [or bucketsful]> SUBST

1. bucketful (container):

[pełne] wiadro nt

2. bucketful übtr ugs:

by the bucketful

Beispielsätze für bucketful

by the bucketful

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It's got history by the bucketful, and it is a forward-looking city with free wi-fi around the centre.
She recalls that when she was younger, before the glass became scarce, you could walk home with a bucketful after a day at the beach.
Said to have therapeutic qualities, locals hauled away the spring water by the bucketful until the spring was found to be contaminated.
That's equal to a big bucketful of moisture sloshing around a house and it's that moisture that causes dangerous mould, mildew and damp.
Taxpayers money still appears to be a tanner a bucketful!
So much so that some skippers have even gone on record saying the fans wish to see fours and sixes and not bucketful of wickets.
With a bucketful of "bite sized" candy, what feels like only a bit can actually add up to a 500-calorie candy binge.
The past few weeks have delivered bucketfuls of depressing examples.
Trophies came in by the bucketful and goals were scored aplenty.
You want to play fantastic rugby - the beautiful game - but sometimes it just takes guts and heart, and we showed that in bucketfuls today.

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