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Übersetzungen für cab im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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cab [kæb] SUBST

1. cab esp AM (taxi):


2. cab (in lorry):


cab driver SUBST esp AM

cab rank, cab stand AM SUBST

Beispielsätze für cab

cab [or taxi] rank

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The weight of the counterweight is typically equal to the weight of the elevator cab plus 40-50% of the capacity of the elevator.
Production of truck cabs involves huge, expensive tools, making this kind of recycling an existing design attractive.
Their cabs are on the roof, which initially allowed through gangways between sets when coupled together, though the gangways were sealed shut during their refurbishment.
Their cabs were replaced with fully enclosed cabs.
Many were modernized with larger cabs, higher stacks, some fitted with large smoke lifters with horizontal riffles.
The cab of the loading bridge is raised and lowered to dock with aircraft of differing sill heights.
Pat gave the first half of one to a cab driver for free.
The large central air scoop over the center of the roof on each cab end is the final major spotting feature.
This cab-over had two sleepers, one located just above the driver and the other was behind the driver.
She storms out of the store and catches a cab to a mansion, where she is strangely comfortable.

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