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Übersetzungen für cabby im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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cabbie, cabby [ˈkæbi] SUBST esp AM ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Few cabbies owned their vehicles.
There was a time when owning a taxi plate was eyed by long serving cabbies as the basis for retirement.
Additionally, the cost of medallion licenses increased and fewer cabbies owned their taxicabs.
New legislation that will prevent taxi drivers with certain convictions from working as cabbies will come into effect in the coming months.
Compare that to motorists, at 39 percent and 53 percent or, not surprisingly, cabbies, at 16 percent and 73 percent for and against.
Another 4,000 permits may be reserved for fleet taxi operators and the rest would be allotted to individual cabbies through a quota system.
Compensating cabbies for the lost plate value isn't part of the recommendations politicians will consider over the next week.
Again, all this points to the capriciousness of the cabbies.
For starters, cabbies seem to be against change of any kind.
Cabbies deal with the same clientele that the bus drivers deal with so why aren't their take home paycheck not even in the same ballpark?

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