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Übersetzungen für capability im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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capability [ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti, Am -ət̬i] SUBST

1. capability (ability):

language capability
mental capability
to be beyond sb's capability

2. capability MILIT:

to have a nuclear capability
range capability MILIT

core capability SUBST WIRTSCH

Beispielsätze für capability

language capability
mental capability
to be beyond sb's capability
to have a nuclear capability

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Planning a crime on such a grand scale was beyond his capabilities.
Voltages exceeding the insulation capabilities of existing ignition components can lead to early failure of those components.
It is unclear how many fire control computers have the necessary capabilities.
Information technology is frequently able to provide the capabilities of defining, expanding, and filling a particular niche or segment.
These models are built with the capabilities to keep several people on sea relaxing for days on end with family and friends.
This allows vendors to tailor the evaluation to accurately match the intended capabilities of their product.
The design focuses on the capabilities, and there can be multiple designs for the same problem depending on the environment that solution will be hosted.
They are lightly armed with limited self-defense capabilities.
The subsequent reduction in the number of herbivores confers a fitness benefit to the plant and demonstrates the indirect defensive capabilities of semiochemicals.
Unfortunately, people often stay one step behind our media capabilities.

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