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Übersetzungen für consort im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . consort [kənˈsɔ:t, Am -ˈsɔ:rt] VERB intr form

to consort with sb

II . consort [ˈkɒnsɔ:t, Am ˈkɑ:nsɔ:rt] SUBST

1. consort (partner):

małżonek(-nka) m (f)

2. consort MUS:


prince consort SUBST

Beispielsätze für consort

to consort with sb

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The two consorts enshrined in a separate temple are a very unique phenomenon.
All the "parivara" (consort) shrines of the earlier period have not survived and few newer shrines have come up.
He was said to have taken numerous consorts and fathered 144 children.
In fact, he prefers the company of his female golem consorts to humans.
Isolated keyboard passages and sprechgesang consorted with icy riffs, dark melodies, and oppressive drums.
Two manuscript sets of partbooks dating from 1588 and ca. 1590 are the earliest substantial sources of music for this consort.
As the consort of the king who is the world's longest-reigning head of state, she is also the world's "longest-serving" consort of a monarch.

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