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Übersetzungen für contend im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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contend [kənˈtend] VERB intr

1. contend (compete):

to contend against sb/sth
to contend for sth

2. contend (cope with):

to contend with sth

3. contend (claim):

to contend that...

Beispielsätze für contend

to contend for sth
to contend with sth
to contend that...
to contend against sb/sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In addition, he contended, nationalization of his wealth had brought the state over 1 billion lei in 1947 currency.
Opponents contended that a first inventor-to-file system favored larger firms with well-established internal patenting procedures, patent committees and in-house attorneys over small business inventors.
The defense contends that the child's actions were protected speech, and that the state law is unconstitutional.
The manager was impressed by the youth, contending that he was the only young man who ever worked for him who did not steal anything.
As a young prince, he maneuvered for power, contending he had a legitimate claim to the throne.
Some bishops and psychiatrists contended that the prevailing psychology of the times suggested that people could be cured of such behavior through counseling.
This information is, by and large, not contended.
In its first year, eight films were submitted; in 2008, 90 films contended for the prize.
But, he contended that those predictions were hidden and mixed, and not made understandable before events occurred.
Liberals contended that the law was a subterfuge to maintain segregation.

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