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Übersetzungen für crowd out im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It appears to crowd out all other species.
Police in riot gear and other officers on horseback tried to sweep the crowd out of the street and let traffic flow.
Increased government purchases of goods (or lowered taxes) merely crowd out the production and purchase of goods by the private sector.
Healthy stands may crowd out other species, making it more suitable for monoculure plantings.
Some people get a warm glow from cooperation and the provision of selective incentives might crowd out their cooperative intention.
The intrusion of the railways into the waterfront in the 1850s to 1890s period started to crowd out recreational uses.
Temporary seating was added to boost the capacity, and a sellout crowd out 11,148 attended.
This might be a temporary event as conifers continue to grow and eventually crowd out other tree species.
These social work-obligations may crowd out more productive activities resulting in longer hours with less efficiency.
Usually four-year schools crowd out community colleges for "naming gifts," the large-scale contributions for buildings or scholarships named for the donor.

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