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Übersetzungen für crowd out im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für crowd out

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Gradually, this aspect of his genius was accepted, and it began to crowd out all others.
He would walk among the hives in the evening and talk to them, and the bees, for their part, would crowd out to meet him.
Healthy stands may crowd out other species, making it more suitable for monoculure plantings.
It appears to crowd out all other species.
In a market economy, a high level of government borrowing should translate into higher domestic interest rates and even possibly crowd out private-sector borrowers, thereby eventually slowing economic growth.
It wasn't until 1890 that the province's booze and railroad barons began to crowd out the rural hoi polloi.
Increased government purchases of goods (or lowered taxes) merely crowd out the production and purchase of goods by the private sector.
Resistant grass will crowd out diseased grass over a period of one or more years.
These social work-obligations may crowd out more productive activities resulting in longer hours with less efficiency.
Because the nonfunctioning fibers crowd out active liver tissue, liver function decreases gradually as the amount of fibrous tissue increases.

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