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Übersetzungen für dereliction im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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dereliction [ˌderəˈlɪkʃən] SUBST kein Pl

1. dereliction (dilapidation):

in a state of dereliction building
in a state of dereliction land

2. dereliction JUR:

dereliction of duty [or responsibility]

Beispielsätze für dereliction

dereliction of duty [or responsibility]
in a state of dereliction building

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the 1980s the hall was once again disused and fell into dereliction.
Two powers would be commanding contrary things, and it would be a dereliction of duty to disobey either of the two.
The historic vessel was saved from dereliction by a group of enthusiasts who are currently engaged in its restoration.
Subsequently, the workhouse closed and fell into dereliction.
Despite the honorable distinctions, there were of course acts of insubordination, dereliction of duty, and cowardly behaviour also cited in reports.
He often had to choose between accepting a house and saving it, or declining it and sentencing it to dereliction and demolition.
Critics among colleagues and the general public accused him of dereliction of duty, discrediting his office, and seeking personal gain.
The most celebrated feature is a windmill (at) that was restored from dereliction between 1973 and 1980 and is now complete with sails.
The congregation stopped using the church for worship in 2002, after which vandalism and continued weathering accelerated its decline into dereliction.
After decades of dereliction and much restoration work, it was fully reopened in 1990.

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