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Übersetzungen für derision im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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derision [dɪˈrɪʒən] SUBST kein Pl

drwina f
shouts of derision

Beispielsätze für derision

shouts of derision

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In later periods, the codpiece became an object of the derision showered on outlandish fashions.
It was a term of division and derision, and became shorthand for a population considered lowbrow, coarse and lacking education and cultural refinement.
She reacts to his claims that he never loved her in the first place with derision and tells him not to worry about her.
Following the popularity of the book, the author's account was subject to intense scrutiny and even derision.
Some decisions from the early years are now subjected to derision.
Feeling insulted by shouts of derision from the crowd, he left the match at lunch-time on the first day.
The mishandling of economic affairs made the historian a target of derision and indignation among the general public.
Kaput is considered an object of derision to most, due to his fat body and his manner.
Often, her appearance is a source of much derision and jokes; she is often ridiculed for having a square-shaped face.
As each portion was finished they set up a shout and a song of derision.

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