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Übersetzungen für dusky im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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dusky [ˈdʌski] ADJ

Beispielsätze für dusky

dusky blue

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The leaves are narrowly elliptical, 5 cm to 10 cm in length, fern green when young, changing to a glossy, trichome-free, dusky spinach green.
The legs are paler than dusky's, and the feet look large, reflecting the more terrestrial lifestyle of this warbler.
Its head and neck are dark grey and it has a dusky brown back and wings.
The fin rays of all the other fins are dusky, with hyaline inter-radial membranes.
This shark may also be referred to as the brown catshark or dusky dogfish.
Juveniles are dusky brown on the upper parts with the throat and underparts dirty pale lemon, streaked with brown.
The fins are dusky with the exception of the spinous dorsal fin which is pale to dark dusky.
Juveniles are much paler, with the dark vertical bars more pronounced, and having dusky to dark fins.
The forewings are deep yellowish brown with dusky black markings on the costa and dorsum.
The caudal fin has black trailing and leading edges, and the pelvic fin is dusky to black.

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