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Übersetzungen für ejectment im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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ejectment [ɪˈʤektmənt] SUBST JUR

Beispielsätze für ejectment

action of ejectment

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This case arose from an action of ejectment, in which both parties claimed title to certain property.
The police reply that the homeowners must first file ejectment cases against the squatters, but when landgrabbers ask for their help, they come in force.
It was generally assumed, but untested, that aboriginal title could be vindicated by causes of action such as ejectment and trespass.
This genre of lawsuit is also sometimes called either a try title, trespass to try title, or ejectment action to recover possession of land wrongfully occupied by a defendant.
The phrase formed part of the title of the old action of ejectment.
The practice thus developed of trying the title to ownership of land, by means of an ejectment.
The court held that "laches" equally barred both the plaintiff's cause of action for ejectment and the plaintiff's cause of action for trespass.
Hall would have barred the ejectment of the present landowners, but not the money damages.
The relocation properties were purchased by the city for landless families that were victims of fire, floods or ejectment by court order.
Courts must resolve the issue of possession even if the parties to the ejectment suit are squatters.

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