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Übersetzungen für eke im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Several boroughs had by that time become insolvent, and some had recourse to their member of parliament to eke out their revenues.
Devoid of the usual sweet science cliches, the book roils with dark pessimism as the characters eke out a gritty existence.
Still, he managed to eke out a victory by fewer than 1000 votes.
The family is able to eke out a very meager living, leaving them constantly hungry but at least not homeless or starving.
These exhibitions gave him widespread recognition and enabled him to eke out a living through the selling of prints.
They were forced to eke out their means by all kinds of artistic drudgery.
He is talkative and uses the opportunities around him to eke out a living.
Multitudes chose to emigrate rather than try to eke out a meager living, especially from 1892 to 1921.
No longer prosperous, they managed to eke out a living through the 19th century.
Without the jamming of their transcomp, the lightbanders bring in their reinforcements and eke out a victory.

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