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Übersetzungen für expedience im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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expedience [ɪkˈspi:diəns], expediency [ɪkˈspi:diənsi] SUBST kein Pl

1. expedience (necessity):

as a matter of expedience

2. expedience (advantageousness):

to act from expedience

Beispielsätze für expedience

to act from expedience
as a matter of expedience

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It was rebuilt within 100 days, but the original rustic look was lost in favor of expedience in reopening the lodge.
Where we currently are was not due to any plan, rather the imperatives of political expedience.
Firstly, organizational expedience describes a workers actions but not their intentions.
Secondly, such definition requires workers to knowingly engage in expedience.
All other issues must be looked at within two phases of occurring, in the interest of expedience.
It can be caricatured as expedience, the substitution of arbitrary or subjective preferences for commonly understood principles.
Such wording would be found in reference to the expected closing date for a real estate contract, typically compensating a seller for a buyer's lack of expedience (citation required).
This is a man for whom political expedience is second to no principle.
There are several key aspects underlying the concept of organizational expedience.
Religion, and worldly affairs prosper together when political rules are qualified by moral principles, and they suffer when moral principles are qualified by political expedience.

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