Englisch » Polnisch

matter1 [ˈmætəʳ, Am -t̬ɚ] SUBST

2. matter kein Pl (amount):

in a matter of seconds

3. matter kein Pl PHYS, ASTRON:


4. matter kein Pl (material):

reading matter
printed matter

5. matter JUR:


that's no laughing matter
not to mince matter
to be a matter of opinion

grey matter SUBST kein Pl ugs

grey matter

subject matter SUBST kein Pl

subject matter of book, film:

subject matter
temat m
subject matter

matter-of-fact ADJ

1. matter-of-fact (straightforward):

2. matter-of-fact (emotionless):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Leguminous plants in hedgerows make substantial amounts of atmospheric nitrogen available to both riceplants and annual crops and recycle other nutrients and organic matter.
For this reason, they are used in fish tanks to help clean the water, to prevent clouds of waste matter.
This bears out my suspicion about the neglect of this important matter at that university -- Cantab behind the curve.
In analyzing mollusk shells, archaeologists focus on many factors, including: taxonomy, mineral composition of the shell, and organic matter remaining in the shell.
Not often enough for it to matter, screen off when possible.
As a matter of interest it is noted the diaphone has never been inoperative since installation in 1926.
Thus, programmable matter has come to mean any bulk substance which can be programmed to change its physical properties.
Divided skirts, bloomers and knickerbockers were tried as fashionable women attempted to resolve the matter without provoking hostility, ridicule or violence.
I took the announcement matter-of-factly, although wondering what it could be all about.
He then matter-of-factly describes his undressing and subsequent massage.

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