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Übersetzungen für garlic im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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garlic [ˈgɑ:lɪk, Am ˈgɑ:r-] SUBST kein Pl

a bulb of garlic
a clove of garlic

Beispielsätze für garlic

garlic press
a bulb of garlic
a clove of garlic

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is seasoned with garlic, paprika, black pepper, and other ingredients and usually smoked.
It is spiced with black pepper and garlic, and in some rare cases "vincotto".
The fish are served with some peppermint, oil, vinegar and garlic.
Various spices, onion, garlic, tea tree, oak and pine trees, and many other plants give off phytoncides.
Dishes made of taro include "saru besara" (taro in mustard and garlic paste).
The scallions, garlic, and ginger are cooked slightly in the wok before the marinated meat is added.
Garlic is often kept in oil to produce flavored oil; however, the practice requires measures to be taken to prevent the garlic from spoiling.
Large amounts of onions or garlic are also poisonous to cats.
Besides "casabe" bread, it is prepared as a side dish boiled, covered with raw onion rings and sizzling garlic infused olive oil.
Next in importance, in terms of the number of hectares pasture and seeds (garlic, beans, lettuce, onions, peas).

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