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Übersetzungen für gleam im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . gleam [gli:m] SUBST

błysk m
gleam of hope
promyk m
gleam of humour

II . gleam [gli:m] VERB intr

Beispielsätze für gleam

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A shallow pool adorned with bronze sculptures gleams in the centre of the atrium.
Grant me, through obvious clouds one transient gleam of thy bright essence in my dying hour.
It is wide, deep and full of the energy that makes the violin gleam.
His features were strongly marked and expressive, from the thin humorous lips to the keen blue eyes, gleaming from beneath the shaggy eyebrows.
The back exhibited a bronze green hue with a golden gleam.
Reflectors located around the plaza would reflect real sunlight into the sun icon causing it to gleam in the daytime.
This rope also gleamed faintly in the dark, and appeared to respond to its owner's call.
The white and maroon in the sunlight gleam.
The mounts of these articles, many of which have survived, were made of ormolu or cut steel, which had a jewel-like gleam.
They are now in the light, and through the doors of heaven there is a gleam that comes through to us.

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