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Übersetzungen für gyrate im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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gyrate [ʤaɪˈreɪt, Am ˈʤaɪreɪt] VERB intr liter


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The rear bearing of one of the rotors also came free so the rotor gyrated, causing metal-to-metal contact and great heat.
The woman alleged that the sergeant "pushed himself up against my behind, put his hands on my waist and started gyrating".
Their combined weight breaks the ladder's hydraulic system, causing it to gyrate uncontrollably, flinging or dropping them in various directions.
This change in curvature makes ions advance sideways, while electrons, which gyrate in the opposite sense, advance sideways in the opposite direction.
Thus, gyrate atrophy can be found with either disorder, with proline deficiency as an underlying feature.
Actually, there was this just one incident, where a foreign couple had their clothes on. but were gyrating each other.
Whereas stable rates are acceptable for every protagonist under a gold coin standard, gyrating rates are destructive for capital providers.
Her gyrating and moving pelvis was censored, one of the earliest films to be censored.
With wonderment, fans gyrate their hips like possessed villagers.
But if looked at only on a monthly basis, the statistics can gyrate more than the reality they aim to represent.

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