Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für gyrate im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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gy·rate [ʤaɪ(ə)ˈreɪt] VERB intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He is well-noted for his matching denim shirt and jeans, gyrating torso, and unusually spry pelvic thrusts.
They gyrate at a particular radius and frequency dependence upon their mass, the magnetic field strength, and energy.
This change in curvature makes ions advance sideways, while electrons, which gyrate in the opposite sense, advance sideways in the opposite direction.
The rear bearing of one of the rotors also came free so the rotor gyrated, causing metal-to-metal contact and great heat.
The pedestrian bridge had a minor design flaw, which made it gyrate noticeably at even minor impacts, like a normal sized person jumping or running across it.
Sometimes a girl will gyrate well, but is very dead in bed.
Their combined weight breaks the ladder's hydraulic system, causing it to gyrate uncontrollably, flinging or dropping them in various directions.
Ngs pieces, done slam poetry style, were animated readings which saw him gyrating his hips and exploding in fitful outbursts.
With wonderment, fans gyrate their hips like possessed villagers.
They are light-green and propel themselves by gyrating their body.

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