Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für handles im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . handle [ˈhændl̩] SUBST


II . handle [ˈhændl̩] VERB trans

1. handle (deal with):

4. handle (operate):

the car handles well

5. handle (sell):

Beispielsätze für handles

the car handles well

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The window manager also handles input related to these elements, such as resizing the window when the user clicks and drags the window frame.
The center handles every step in processing from editing to special effects and subtitling.
The mug has two folding metal handles which give the user a cool place to hold it while drinking a warm beverage.
Handles were made like rustic tree branches, rose stems and twined flowers and leaves.
All door handles, finger plates and escutcheons are of polished brass.
This ardent attachment was perhaps one of the sources of the exaltation which marked her career, and gave many handles to her enemies.
It also handles bail hearings, first appearances, trials and sentencing, and has jurisdiction over both summary and indictable offences.
The town's post office is located west of the town center, and handles the entire town.
The, its co-curricular organization, handles student events for academics and member enticement in their field.
Doors had wrought iron hinges, handles and lock plates.

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