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Übersetzungen für headache im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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headache [ˈhedeɪk] SUBST


sick headache SUBST MED

sick headache

splitting headache SUBST ugs

I have a splitting headache

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Other, less frequent reactions are: feeling sweaty/clammy 99 (9%), nausea/vomiting 68 (6%), dizziness/vertigo 58 (5%), dry mouth 44 (4%), and headache 27 (3%).
He also stated that he had suffered recurring headaches and forgetfulness since the attack.
Two guests were treated for minor injuries, one of which was a severe headache.
For medicinal purposes they are used as stimulants, stomachic, for headaches, sores and also as insect repellent.
These waves can trigger headaches in nearby people and can cause machines to malfunction.
Workload has been linked to a number of strains, including anxiety, physiological reactions such as cortisol, fatigue, backache, headache, and gastrointestinal problems.
Most developers and software vendors want to get rid of the dongle driver headache.
I basically yelled my way through dinner, gave up exhausted by the end, and woke up with a splitting headache the next day.
This characteristic is present to such a degree, that so much that any attempt at deep thinking results in him experiencing violent headaches.
This, along with nerve disorders and persistent headaches, affected him his entire life.

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