Englisch » Polnisch

I . heat [hi:t] SUBST

1. heat kein Pl (warmth):

ciepło nt

2. heat (weather):

the heat
upał m
the heat
skwar m

3. heat AM (heating system):


5. heat SPORT:


6. heat kein Pl (ready to breed):

to be on [or AM in] heat
to be on [or AM in] heat dog

II . heat up VERB intr

2. heat up situation:

heat up

heat rash SUBST

heat rash
potówki fpl
heat rash

heat-resistant ADJ

heat-seeking ADJ

heat stroke SUBST kein Pl

heat wave SUBST

heat wave

prickly heat SUBST kein Pl MED

prickly heat

white heat SUBST kein Pl

1. white heat (high temperature):

white heat
white heat speech [or talk]
the white heat of sth

2. white heat übtr:

deal heat WIRTSCH ugs COMP

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

For instance, did you know using an electric kettle to heat water is more efficient than the stove-top or the microwave?
Some manufacturers have a separate ground loop fluid pump pack, while some integrate the pumping and valving within the heat pump.
The elastic efficiency of the resilin isolated from locust tendon has been reported to be 97% (only 3% of stored energy is lost as heat).
Although geothermal sites are capable of providing heat for many decades, individual wells may cool down or run out of water.
The hot end of the replaceable tube is covered with turbulators for better heat transfer.
A difficulty of pressurization is that while it improves the power, the heat required increases proportionately to the increased power.
During heat waves, for instance, there is usually an excess mortality rate in the population, affecting especially older adults and those who are sick.
The freezing squeezes the heat out of the droplets, making the thundercloud draftier.
The relief column marches on towards the fort but heat, lack of water and a sand castle building competition gone wrong decimates the force to a handful.
In spite of the heat, the canal was excavated to a depth of 13 ft and a width of 18 ft.

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