Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für hurts im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . hurt <hurt, hurt> [hɜ:t, Am hɜ:rt] VERB intr

1. hurt (be painful):

boleć [perf za-]
it hurts like hell

II . hurt <hurt, hurt> [hɜ:t, Am hɜ:rt] VERB trans

2. hurt (injure):

ranić [perf z-]

3. hurt (make upset):

4. hurt (influence badly):

szkodzić [perf za-]

III . hurt [hɜ:t, Am hɜ:rt] ADJ

1. hurt (injured):

2. hurt (upset):

IV . hurt [hɜ:t, Am hɜ:rt] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is clearly profitable for the firm to pollute, since internalizing the externality hurts profits.
In general, backwardation works in favour of investors in futures contracts, while contango hurts them.
With the wealth and businesses gone from inner city areas, the tax base decreases, which hurts funding for education.
And definitely pipe up if something hurts, burns or stings, especially if the esthetician didn't give you a warning first.
But the two children are there -- those are permanent reminders of unfaithfulness and it hurts.
The survivors reveal infected can not enter the chapel and that holy water hurts them.
Courtiers reported that his illness made him sensitive to the hurts of others.
They also need to talk out and listen to each other's hurts, and show they care about what the other is experiencing.
For all your criticism hurts, it is right: my portfolio isn't a proper one, just a stamp collection of stocks.
Answering notifications hurts task performance and the ability to resume to the original task at hand.

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