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Übersetzungen für interoffice im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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interoffice trading [ɪntəˌɒfɪsˈ-, Am -t̬ɚˌɑ:f-] SUBST kein Pl WIRTSCH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Contracts were passed around with interoffice mail.
Yet, these interoffice power struggles can hurt your company in a myriad of ways.
A lot has changed since the era of interoffice memos, and how you choose to communicate could well be a generational choice.
Or your interoffice chat system wasn't quite working properly.
It was developed for inventory and order control management of interoffice trunk circuits that interconnect telephone switches.
To me, the following are all bad signs and expose the agency needlessly to the catfight of interoffice turmoil.
The spectacle was dismissed as an interoffice dispute.
As a practical matter, law enforcement tends to be more interested in enterprises that organize gambling on a commercial basis, not small interoffice pools.
Then we scrambled to pull the interoffice envelopes out of every sales mailbox.
He based these elements directly off of the interoffice mail memos the doctors had been using for years, in hopes of convincing people to actually use the newfangled technology.

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