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Übersetzungen für liveable im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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liveable ADJ

liveable → livable

Siehe auch: livable

livable [ˈlɪvəbl̩] ADJ Brit ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Eventually we got our plans back on track, did more work on the house and it was finally liveable.
People need to be able to make a liveable wage.
Windows and the addition of a large bay made the castle more liveable but diminished its defensive character.
We had severe overcrowding -- a population of 250,000 swelled to quadruple that figure soon after independence -- but it was nevertheless a liveable place.
Suburban backlash: the battle for the world's most liveable city.
Ima and her siblings were expected to help renovate the building to a liveable stateshe was required, among other things, to pry chewing gum from the furniture and door moldings.
The welfare society was registered in 1981 to achieve the goal of making the colony liveable.
The answer to the question of what makes a city liveable is complex and constantly evolving.
His political agenda include introduction of a liveable minimum wage and a comprehensive social security system, restoration of workers' right to collective bargaining, and setting a tax on business speculation.
The rationale is that economic rights can relate to a decent standard of living and can help the civil rights flourish in a liveable environment.

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