Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für livelihood im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

livelihood [ˈlaɪvlihʊd] SUBST usu no Pl


Beispielsätze für livelihood

to earn one's livelihood
to lose one's livelihood

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In a matter of just a few years, hundreds of thousands of workers lost their means of livelihood.
The majority 98% of the population of the commune are farmers, while an additional 1% receives their livelihood from raising livestock.
Most members of the workforce seek their livelihoods outside the village.
Agriculture provides the main livelihood for 55.4 percent of the population.
The majority 98% of the population of the commune are farmers, while an additional 2% receives their livelihood from raising livestock.
The majority 64% of the population of the commune are farmers, while an additional 34% receives their livelihood from raising livestock.
The majority 90% of the population of the commune are farmers, while an additional 8% receives their livelihood from raising livestock.
The majority of the population of the commune are farmers (60%), while an additional 6% receives their livelihood from raising livestock.
The majority 80% of the population of the commune are farmers, while an additional 19% receives their livelihood from raising livestock.
They started farming as a means of livelihood.

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