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Übersetzungen für make up for im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für make up for

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Regulars know not to be put off by the cashier charging around the counter wielding his flyswatter; the beefy, stacked burgers more than make up for it.
Even though working could make a woman eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit, the amount was not enough to make up for the rest of her withdrawn welfare benefits.
Nor does the fact that he was perfectly well-behaved after his victory the next day, saying the right things, make up for his puerility when he is losing.
This would more than make up for any disadvantages associated with their feebleness, incontinence, or inability to remember where they put their keys.
This was released to make up for delays in recording that meant the band would miss its original launch window.
However, it is critical to understand that reduced inbreeding depression in first generation hybrids can, in some circumstances, be strong enough to more than make up for outbreeding depression.
The organizers proposed to make up for the shortfall with increased taxes of the rich, inheritance tax, and using surplus tax money.
He thought that the ingredients were perfectly cooked, but they didn't make up for the combinations involved in the dishes.
Kim has had to cut hours to make up for the lost profits.
Apparently trying to make up for his misspent youth, he bought himself toys and musical instruments, some of which years later became part of his travelling pauper artiste's arsenal.

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