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Übersetzungen für mumbo jumbo im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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mumbo jumbo [ˌmʌmbəʊˈʤʌmbəʊ, Am ˌmʌmboʊˈʤʌmboʊ] SUBST kein Pl ugs

1. mumbo jumbo (talk or writing):

2. mumbo jumbo (empty rituals):

Beispielsätze für mumbo jumbo

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The oversimplified message is that we're all connected, which translates to heavy-handed mumbo jumbo.
There is real science here, not just spiritual mumbo jumbo as some like to say.
In the mumbo jumbo terminology of modern management, her position was being "disestablished".
The advertisers obviously pump up the volume, don't tell us it's because of technical mumbo jumbo.
I think people that see us do away with any nouveau soft-rock mumbo jumbo ideas that they walk in with, for better or for worse.
There's still a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo to work out who is at fault in the case of a system failure and what-not.
All other methods of point identification are unscientific and in effect mumbo jumbo.
I'd had enough of the mumbo jumbo.

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