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Übersetzungen für mummify im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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mummify [ˈmʌmɪfaɪ, Am -əfaɪ] VERB trans


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

An analytical chemistry analysis of the materials used to mummify the knees suggests that they belonged to someone at the very highest strata of ancient society.
Some cultures deliberately mummify bodies for long term preservation.
Whoever buried it had obviously expected to claim it later; they'd attempted to mummify it in plastic sheets and had stuffed towels into its intakes to keep the worms out.
The rare condition is called lithopedion and occurs when a developing fetus dies during pregnancy and then mummifies outside the uterus.
It is distinguished by its matchless textile skills, trephinations, and the art of mummifying their dead.
They are most famous for mummifying their dead -- particularly children and babies -- and to date, more than 300 of these preserved humans have been found by archaeologists.
The coroner told us her body was so badly decomposed that it was mummifying.
As after months of preserving his dead body, the scientists are ready to mummify his whole body for 3,000 years.
The fruit mummifies and stays attached to the stem.
He said the coroner told him his sister was so badly decomposed that her body was mummifying.

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