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Übersetzungen für nail polish im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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nail polish SUBST kein Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It has been used in formulations for nail polish remover, despite its low but significant toxicity.
Since that time, many new colors and techniques have developed, resulting in nail polish that can be found in an extremely diverse variety of colors.
Boy, 16 received 1st to 2nd degree burns after trying the activity with nail polish remover on his chest.
The substance was later shown to be from nail polish and the event had no relevance to the operation of the plant or nuclear safety.
The long fingernails are sometimes dipped in poisoned nail polish.
Prior to this time nail polish in the form of paste, cake or powder had nt change much from ancient times.
The health risks associated with nail polish are not undisputed.
In addition, the use of make-up, nail polish, and perfumes, or other accessories that attract attention are discouraged in public.
Make-up and nail polish must not be worn.
A number of sealants are in use, including commercial sealants, laboratory preparations, or even regular clear nail polish, depending on the sample.

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