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Übersetzungen für nonchalant im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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nonchalant [ˈnɒnʃələnt, Am ˌnɑ:nʃəˈlɑ:nt] ADJ


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She is seen dull and nonchalant when she arrives, later has fun with the others.
He takes a very calm, nonchalant attitude to the world, and he constantly has trouble staying awake.
Yet he has his own way of treating his subject-matter, with ordinary everyday scenes, peopled with nonchalant, sometimes withdrawn, but always vibrant characters.
His works are characterized by a sense of mischief, spontaneity and by his nonchalant approach to life.
He continued playing, doing his best to ignore them and to appear nonchalant.
He earned enemies in the league with his dismissive comments and nonchalant attitude.
She is nonchalant with the other students and about their disabilities in general; she usually inquiries about other people's disabilities as a hobby.
Some of the prisoners were reportedly despondent, but others were nonchalant, even smoking tobacco.
His stand-up features frequent use of repetition, call-backs, nonchalant delivery and deconstruction, a device he often self-consciously refers to on stage.
One of the most famous scenes is set in a kitchen where the gangsters try to make nonchalant conversation while drinking a vile and strong liquor.

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