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Übersetzungen für online banking im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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online banking SUBST WIRTSCH, COMPUT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The attraction of banks to online banking are fairly obvious: diminished transaction costs, easier integration of services, interactive marketing capabilities, and other benefits that boost customer lists and profit margins.
Other users reply to these advertisements and agree to meet the person to buy bitcoins with cash or pay with online banking.
For example, rather than typing in your online banking password into a web browser, you would type in a meaningless token instead.
Convenience, time, and resource saving are the principle factors for using online banking services, which would include inquiries on accounts, transfer of funds, and payment of bills.
The system is built upon the bankgiro system used for online banking.
In an effort to enhance security, hand-held devices for use with a card to authorise online banking transactions were introduced in 2007.
Northwest offers free checking, online banking, and online bill pay.
Examples include online banking and online shopping.
Though single password authentication is still in use, it by itself is not considered secure enough for online banking in some countries.
Financial institutions offer the software free of charge with a view to making online banking safer for customers.

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