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Übersetzungen für online gaming im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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online gaming SUBST COMPUT, SPIELE

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This is considered to be a major event within online gaming, as it gave players an unprecedented ability to change and influence the game.
However, since the loss of tobacco sponsorship, the online gaming and gambling industry has stepped in to sponsor numerous events on the calendar.
It is currently the only online gaming service on consoles that charges users a fee to play multiplayer gaming.
The company also sells insurance for mobile phones and home electronics and runs online gaming and online dating services.
These third parties had control over the online gaming environment and with multiple third parties involved, it left a non-unified experience.
Examples of such applications include mobile high definition video streaming and mobile online gaming.
It became very popular among the online gaming set and has currently been played over 20 million times.
Either adapter can be used for web browsing and online gaming.
They say that online gaming is not as efficient without an ethernet port.
As a gamer, he describes seeing a massive increase in the capability and design ethics within games and the rise of online gaming.

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