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Übersetzungen für overtaken im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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overtaken [ˌəʊvəˈteɪkən, Am ˌoʊvɚˈ-] VERB

overtaken Part Perf of overtake

Siehe auch: overtake

overtake <overtook, overtaken> VERB trans

2. overtake (exceed):

this sum can be overtaken

overtake <overtook, overtaken> VERB trans

2. overtake (exceed):

this sum can be overtaken

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It was a long stroke single originally launched as a sports motorcycle but throughout its long life it was gradually overtaken by more powerful models.
Although autorickshaws have overtaken them in popularity, tangas are still common today in many cities and villages.
After the mid-20th century, many smaller companies were overtaken by larger corporations.
The deltoid spurge grows in a heavily populated county which has been overtaken by urban development.
They also stated that their homes had been overtaken by rebels and in some cases demolished.
If the contestants fail, they would eventually be overtaken by the treadmill and land in a large pile of flour.
It exhibits rapid growth initially, but is eventually overtaken and replaced by other trees as the forest matures.
His friendly personality is often overtaken by his love for: learning, history, philosophy, books and reading.
That project was soon overtaken by events and the system was found in itself to be extremely interesting.
In 1905, the library was overtaken by the city.

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