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Übersetzungen für parking meter im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für parking meter

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As on paved streets, several fire hydrants and a solitary parking meter are located along the steps.
Locking a bicycle to a parking meter seems innocuous enough.
Dedicating parking meter revenue to finance public improvements in the area since 1993 has played a major part in this revival.
One of them was a parking meter attendant, which was the only one that remained the robot cooker character but there were going to be aliens, and all sorts.
The city's first parking meter was installed in 1948.
I don't think the city has seen the worst of its parking meter fiasco.
Those who had to leave the area had to leave their vehicles behind, with their parking meter time clocking out.
Parking meter monitors are increasingly hawklike and pounce fast.
It has eight full-time officers, and a small component of auxiliary police, including one parking meter attendant.
Of course, it's far easier to enforce a violated parking meter than monitor the illegal occupation of public space through street detritus.

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