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Übersetzungen für paunchy im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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paunchy [ˈpɔ:ntʃi, Am ˈpɑ:-] ADJ

paunchy man

Beispielsätze für paunchy

paunchy man

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He is paunchy and is not especially rich.
That's why so many balding, paunchy men have mid-life crises and go after younger women.
In life, it would have resembled a paunchy triggerfish or a pufferfish with an elongated, downturned face.
Fair-skinned, balding, bespectacled and slightly paunchy, he wears an unremarkable dark suit and carries a weathered, brown, leather satchel.
Only the underpants of the four paunchy actors -- somewhat harrowingly put on display in the show's opening moments -- could possibly have been stretched any more.
When they come out of the change room, dragging their hockey bags, they are pale and paunchy and vulnerable-looking.
Imagine that paunchy white gut wobbling up and down... ugh!
If you were looking for the future of comedy you probably wouldn't pick a paunchy 45-year-old redhead with a receding hairline and mournful eyes.
They were paunchy, proud and ready to rock.
His once trim figure has grown decidedly paunchy.

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