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Übersetzungen für pauper im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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pauper [ˈpɔ:pəʳ, Am ˈpɑ:pɚ] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He is massive in stature and dresses like a pauper.
On the more positive side, in 1637, together with his wife, he founded an establishment with accommodation for 26 paupers.
Of the poets who wrote these poems, there are men and women, kings and paupers.
The pauper labor argument is usually used by employee organizations such as labor unions to promote protectionist trade policies restricting imports from abroad.
But mostly he lived as a pauper, often lacking proper clothing when traveling on tours.
The wards were dormitory style and were divided by patient typemale/female, paying/pauper, manageable/refractory.
He controlled the boards of guardians and appointed the dispensary doctors, regulated the diet of paupers, inflicted fines and administered the law at petty sessions.
The name is thought to be derived from the fact that it was constructed by labourers on the poor rate (or paupers).
The famines led to a rapid increase in the number of paupers and vagrants taking to the roads to find work, charity and food.
He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince.

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