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Übersetzungen für plump up im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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plump up VERB trans

plump up pillow:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Plump up lashes with a few coats of volumising mascara, and you're as good as gold.
They take advantage of the unemployed and plump up the government's employment figures with poorly paid work.
On other songs, background singers plump up her voice, strained by the exertion of non-stop dancing.
They plump up when soaked and can nicely surprise you with how much more you get when cooked.
One or two of the film's gags outstay their welcome, lingering to plump up the 97-minute runtime, but nothing grates.
Plump up the hollow area beneath eye bags using concealer.
The products, which are also used to plump up lips, should be made prescription only, the review board said.
As well as being super pretty, this varnish is designed to plump up nails and last for longer than your usual mani.
Chances are they've been soaked in water to plump up the flesh, the seafood industry's equivalent of the trout pout.
Just make sure to plump up those lips.

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