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Übersetzungen für practitioner im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

practitioner [prækˈtɪʃənəʳ, Am -ɚ] SUBST

medical practitioner

general practitioner SUBST Brit

Beispielsätze für practitioner

medical practitioner

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In this case a puppeteer is a more complete theatre practitioner than is the case within other theatre forms.
During a session, a provider (practitioner or therapist) gently cradles, moves, stretches, and massages a receiver (client or patient).
It should be noted that the practitioner does not have to slice into their skin and draw large amounts of blood.
Most practitioners run the climbing rope through two screwgate carabiners attached to the anchor, to provide backup in case one becomes undone.
She became an outstanding practitioner of child psychiatry until her death in 1954.
Second to football, horse sports have the highest number of practitioners who are mostly women.
Expert practitioners and leading representatives from government and regulatory bodies present extensive programmes where participants can get actively involved in discussion and debate.
The practitioners knew themselves as members of particular churches or movements, and not by a single term.
Thus, the political rulers were also spiritual practitioners.
Their first solution to this problem was to interview leading practitioners of business and to write detailed accounts of what these managers were doing.

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