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Übersetzungen für rake over im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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rake over VERB trans

rake over PHRVB rake up 2.

Siehe auch: rake up

rake up VERB trans ugs

1. rake up (gather):

zbierać [perf po-]

2. rake up the past, grievances:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In this situation, use plants that will be easy to rake over.
Despite agreeing to the interview, he seems keen to point out that he doesn't want to rake over old ground.
Now she is determined to focus on the positive and look to the future rather than rake over the past.
They rake over every destructive habit but keep returning to a central idea: domestic violence is a decision.
You rake over all the conversations before he left.
Lightly rake over again to cover as much of the seed as you can with soil.
A lawyer will certainly rake over the report and accounts carefully if they are concerned about such issues.
We rake over the beds to fill the holes and also to provide a smooth, even surface.
Another way to let the coffee seeds dry is to let them sit on a concrete patio and rake over them in the sunlight.
Time for all commentators to start talking about now and the future rather than to continue to rake over the past.

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