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Übersetzungen für recursion im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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recursion MATH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A structurally recursive function uses the same idea to define a recursive function: base cases handle each minimal structure and a rule for recursion.
The mirrors of the title refer to recursion.
Jones (1997) presents a view of the second recursion theorem based on a reflexive language.
Recursive functions and loops are equivalent in expression; any expression involving loops can be written using recursion, and vice versa.
The first line of this equation is there to make the recursive property simpler (when dealing with the edges, so we need only one recursion).
The obvious recursion relation results from repeatedly applying the raising or lowering operators.
Generalized recursion theory extends the ideas of recursion theory to computations that are no longer necessarily finite.
To specify a sequence by recursion requires a rule to construct each consecutive element in terms of the ones before it.
The backward recursion is the adjoint of the above forward system.
This shows the usefulness of corecursion rather than recursion for dealing with infinite data structures.

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