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Übersetzungen für recycling im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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recycling [rɪˈsaɪkl̩ɪŋ] SUBST kein Pl

Beispielsätze für recycling

recycling plant

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They were in the business of recycling waste material.
Operationally, a recycling program is mandatory and tenants are committed to use recycled and environmentally-friendly products in their daily operations and cleaning.
Bear in mind that while recycling is good, reduction is best.
The county ended up selling the entire solid waste system to the private sector and the recycling plant is for sale.
The building has since been demolished and has been replaced with a waste recycling centre.
The previous system required a resident to put a black rubbish bag out every week to the kerbside, along with a green recycling crate.
One stage of tire recycling involves the production of alternate products for sale.
In other words, when the lysosome does nt function normally, excess products destined for breakdown and recycling are stored in the cell.
The biodiesel is sold to a recycling company as well as the community at large.
Neuronal recycling produces changes in a matter of weeks to years which don't require a change in genome like evolutionary exaptations do.

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