Englisch » Polnisch

severance [ˈsevərəns] SUBST kein Pl form

severance of relations
severance of aid
severance of employment, tenancy
severance from one's family

severance pay(ment) SUBST

severance agreement SUBST JUR

Beispielsätze für severance

severance from one's family

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Teachers receive a payment of $100.00 for each unused day of sick leave at retirement, death or severance.
His severance package of $210 million has been criticized because when the stock went down his pay went up.
Ford has also offered a severance package to its affected employees.
Most employees were either transferred to different stores or offered a severance package.
Partial palp severance can result in a successful mating plug but not to the extent of full palp severance.
Severance pay and minimum wage scales were added.
Scientific knowledge of human affairs is possible, as long as there is a consistent severance from ethical-normative thought.
Severance seniors joined the military as army surgeons.
She also helped pass an increase in the severance tax oil companies pay to extract oil from state land.
The government has advised him that his severance package will not be paid.

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