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Übersetzungen für slip over im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für slip over

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Indeed, he did not react well to pressure and would often let slip over-dramatic sentiments when put on the spot.
The company spent most of the past year developing the lightweight lid designed to slip over a pitcher's regular cap.
It is distinguished by a thick-orange red slip over a slightly granular fabric.
It was time to ditch my previous daywear, mainly consisting of the kind of baggy dresses you could use to slip over a small island.
But audience fragmentation and schedule changes have seen viewing figures slip over the last few years.
I did slip over and eat dirt but it's all good fun and you take it in your stride.
You clamp them on the side of the bath so you don't slip over.
The toggles in the original were made from used switches, most of which were broken and would slip over time.
Close up, it is just possible to detect the braces, which slip over the teeth rather liketooth whitening trays.
You never know when he's going to slip over into what's dirty.

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