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Übersetzungen für slip past im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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slip past VERB intr

slip past PHRVB slip by

Siehe auch: slip by

slip by VERB intr

1. slip by days, time:

2. slip by car:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As they slip past the monsters, the little girl peeks out of her blindfold and screams as she sees the zombies surrounding them.
Another 10, 15 or maybe 20 minutes slip past me.
The radiation blocked the military's sensors and allowed something to slip past them undetected.
The slime is thick because the particles are packed close together, but are still able to slip past each other.
They tried to slip past our differential threshold.
Over the years, some spawning fish did slip past the dam, and others were stocked, establishing a small population upstream.
My companion managed to slip past the gang when they encircled us.
Perhaps they can slip past this one as well.
He had managed to slip past door staff and spent five minutes inside before trying to leave.
This creates a wall that the other player then has to work around, although they may still slip past diagonally.

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