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Übersetzungen für social contribution im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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social contribution SUBST POL

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Its religious and social contribution, publ.
For as far as the game's commitment to broader social contribution is concerned, it's hard to see that it actually achieves anything.
This is the first environmental project of the company's social contribution programme.
If it were all social contribution, then when the top did better, they would be contributing to everybody's well-being.
When an industry body issues a report on the value of its economic and social contribution, it's normally looking for something.
The aim of which is not just to provide employment, but also to increase the overall social contribution of these firms.
We believe in gender equity and each man and each woman's divine right to education, social contribution, work, and treatment with respect and dignity.
Arts campaigners tend to stress the economic and social contribution that culture makes to society.
If young, full-time missionaries are excluded, their social contribution still equates to $7,102 per year.
Government revenue growth last year was mainly boosted by increases in tax and social contribution revenues, which were partially offset by reductions to investment income.

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