Englisch » Polnisch

I . social [ˈsəʊʃəl, Am ˈsoʊ-] ADJ

1. social (relating to society):

social benefit, policy

2. social club, life:

social drinker

3. social animal:


II . social [ˈsəʊʃəl, Am ˈsoʊ-] SUBST Brit

anti-social ADJ

1. anti-social (harmful to society):

2. anti-social (not sociable):

social class SUBST + Sg/Pl Verb

social commitment SUBST

social contribution SUBST POL

social democrat SUBST POL

social insurance SUBST kein Pl

social sciences SUBST Pl

social security SUBST kein Pl Brit POL, ADMIN

social service SUBST

social services SUBST Pl

social skills SUBST Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The churchs social work includes poverty alleviation, blindness control and promoting adult literacy.
Railroad retirement taxes, which have historically been higher than social security taxes, are calculated, like benefit payments, on a two-tier basis.
It also has a social worker, a psychologist and a speech therapist.
The social psychological approach maintains that prejudice socialized early in life feeds racial stereotypes.
It emphasizes environmentalism, non-hierarchical participatory democracy, social justice, respect for diversity, peace, and nonviolence.
But it is extremely difficult to do this sort of writing within the structures of the conventional social realist novel.
There are 52 teachers including all counselors, social workers, special educators, and technology specialists.
To prevent large private organizations from thus dominating the body politic, distributism applies this principle of subsidiarity to economic as well as to social and political action.
Of course, it would have been ideal to have the kind of conclusiveness associated with laboratory experiments when we conduct social experiments in communities and schools.
If you think about search in 2006 and then social as another tent pole, we've evolved into a full-service agency very much with strong ideas.

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