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Übersetzungen für springtime im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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springtime SUBST kein Pl

springtime → spring I.1.

Siehe auch: spring

I . spring [sprɪŋ] SUBST

1. spring (season):

wiosna f

2. spring (metal coil):

4. spring (water):

5. spring (jump):

skok m

II . spring <sprang [or AM sprung], sprung> [sprɪŋ] VERB intr

III . spring <sprang [or AM sprung], sprung> [sprɪŋ] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is a slender shrub with springtime red-pink flowers commonly found along creeks, streams and swamps.
Daisy is a flower in full bloom, without inhibitions and in the springtime of her life.
Springtime is often windy, and dust storms can be severeoccasionally lasting for days.
During the springtime when mating is observable, adults are commonly found paired with the males mounted on the females.
In springtime every span of the land smelled sweetly.
The city's campaign against pockmarked streets usually kicks into high gear come springtime.
The facilities operate all year around, but vary with the seasons, to include traditional seasonal activities such as calotades (springtime scallion feasts) and castanyades (autumn chestnut feasts).
They get their name from the recognition of the seasonality of the habitat and the springtime flora associated with them.
Summers are hot and dry on the plain, but the area is green and covered in flowers in springtime, when water streams off the mountainside.
I'll probably start back doing something in the springtime.

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